“I Wish I Was Like Me” is an acrylic painting by Andy Renard from November 2024. It portrays a woman contemplating her self-image, symbolizing self-acceptance and the importance of embracing one’s true self.

I Wish I Was Like Me
Number: 113
Name: I Wish I Was Like Me
Swedish name: Jag Önskar Att Jag Var Som Mig
Date: November 2024
Technique: Acrylic painting on canvas
Dimensions: 30 x 30 x 1,7 cm (12 x 12″)
Description of “I Wish I Was Like Me”

The story behind the painting
It’s not two women kissing each other, nor does the woman see herself in a mirror. She considers herself in thought and sees herself more or less as who she is.
The story behind the painting took place on a train a few years ago. It was a compartment where four people sat opposite each other. It was quite full on the train, so a woman sat next to me and her two friends sat opposite us. The woman sitting next to me and the woman across from her were both blonde and had their hair up. They were well made up and probably had one or two cosmetic procedures, both here and there. Both were definitely both good-looking and quite attractive. They were quite slender despite their feminine forms. However, none of them were as handsome as she thought.
The third woman didn’t quite fit in. I don’t know if they were friends or maybe co-workers. Undeniably, they knew each other and they traveled together.
This woman was fat.
Can you say someone is fat? You probably won’t get it. Perhaps it should be expressed that she was tall or powerfully built, but she was not. She was neither stout nor big – she was fat.
She also did not look very pretty, attractive, or well-dressed, but I remember that she had beautiful eyes.
Anyway. The three women were watching something on their cell phones commenting on other women. I think it was mostly famous and famous women. I certainly wasn’t eavesdropping, but it was hard not to hear their conversation.
The two blonde women were the active ones. They both lowered and raised other women.
The corpulent lady was mostly quiet and listened as her friends told her what they liked, and what they didn’t like.
– I wish I had her ass, said one woman.
– I would like her lips, said the other.
The conversation and their activity continued at that level for quite some time.
– I wish I was like her, says one blonde and shows the others what she means.
For the first time now I hear the fat woman with the beautiful eyes say something. She says:
– I wish I was like me!
About the painting
The painting depicts, or perhaps rather represents, the woman who was herself. Of course, she wasn’t half-naked on the train (not even in my imagination). The nudity represents the truth we cannot hide. When you are naked, it is much more difficult to lie about who you are. We are born naked and God always sees us naked, because he sees through all the facades and lies we hide behind.
So she does not reflect herself. She reflects on herself and accepts who she sees.
The moral of the story 1: Love yourself, otherwise you can’t love anyone else.
The moral of the story 2: Be yourself, everyone else is already busy.
Andy Renard